Source code for mygene

Python Client for MyGene.Info services
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import time
from itertools import islice
from collections import Iterable

import requests

    from pandas import DataFrame
    df_avail = True
    df_avail = False

    import requests_cache
    caching_avail = True
    caching_avail = False

__version__ = '3.0.0'

if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    str_types = str
    str_types = (str, unicode)

class ScanError(Exception):
    # for errors in scan search type

[docs]def alwayslist(value): '''If input value if not a list/tuple type, return it as a single value list. Example: >>> x = 'abc' >>> for xx in alwayslist(x): ... print xx >>> x = ['abc', 'def'] >>> for xx in alwayslist(x): ... print xx ''' if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return value else: return [value]
def safe_str(s, encoding='utf-8'): '''if input is an unicode string, do proper encoding.''' try: _s = str(s) except UnicodeEncodeError: _s = s.encode(encoding) return _s def list_itemcnt(list): '''Return number of occurrence for each type of item in the list.''' x = {} for item in list: if item in x: x[item] += 1 else: x[item] = 1 return [(i, x[i]) for i in x] def iter_n(iterable, n, with_cnt=False): ''' Iterate an iterator by chunks (of n) if with_cnt is True, return (chunk, cnt) each time ''' it = iter(iterable) if with_cnt: cnt = 0 while True: chunk = tuple(islice(it, n)) if not chunk: return if with_cnt: cnt += len(chunk) yield (chunk, cnt) else: yield chunk
[docs]class MyGeneInfo(): '''This is the client for web services. Example: >>> mg = MyGeneInfo() ''' def __init__(self, url=''): self.url = url if self.url[-1] == '/': self.url = self.url[:-1] self.max_query = 1000 # delay and step attributes are for batch queries. self.delay = 1 self.step = 1000 # raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError for status_code > 400 # but not for 404 on getgene # set to False to surpress the exceptions. self.raise_for_status = True self._cached = False def _as_dataframe(self, gene_obj, df_index=True): """ converts gene object to DataFrame (pandas) """ if not df_avail: print("Error: pandas module must be installed for as_dataframe option.") return if 'hits' in gene_obj: df = DataFrame.from_dict(gene_obj['hits']) else: df = DataFrame.from_dict(gene_obj) if df_index: df = df.set_index('query') return df def _get(self, url, params={}, none_on_404=False, verbose=True): debug = params.pop('debug_get', False) return_raw = params.pop('return_raw', False) headers = {'user-agent': " python-requests/%s" % (__version__, requests.__version__)} res = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) from_cache = getattr(res, 'from_cache', False) if debug: return from_cache, res if none_on_404 and res.status_code == 404: return from_cache, None if self.raise_for_status: # raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError if not 200 res.raise_for_status() if return_raw: return from_cache, res.text ret = res.json() return from_cache, ret def _post(self, url, params, verbose=True): return_raw = params.pop('return_raw', False) headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'user-agent': " python-requests/%s" % (__version__, requests.__version__)} res =, data=params, headers=headers) from_cache = getattr(res, 'from_cache', False) if self.raise_for_status: # raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError if not 200 res.raise_for_status() if return_raw: return from_cache, res ret = res.json() return from_cache, ret def _is_entrez_id(self, id): try: int(id) return True except: return False def _format_list(self, a_list, sep=','): if isinstance(a_list, (list, tuple)): _out = sep.join([safe_str(x) for x in a_list]) else: _out = a_list # a_list is already a comma separated string return _out def _repeated_query_old(self, query_fn, query_li, verbose=True, **fn_kwargs): step = min(self.step, self.max_query) if len(query_li) <= step: # No need to do series of batch queries, turn off verbose output verbose = False for i in range(0, len(query_li), step): is_last_loop = i+step >= len(query_li) if verbose: print("querying {0}-{1}...".format(i+1, min(i+step, len(query_li))), end="") query_result = query_fn(query_li[i:i+step], **fn_kwargs) yield query_result if verbose: print("done.") if not is_last_loop and self.delay: time.sleep(self.delay) def _repeated_query(self, query_fn, query_li, verbose=True, **fn_kwargs): '''run query_fn for input query_li in a batch (self.step). return a generator of query_result in each batch. input query_li can be a list/tuple/iterable ''' step = min(self.step, self.max_query) i = 0 for batch, cnt in iter_n(query_li, step, with_cnt=True): if verbose: print("querying {0}-{1}...".format(i+1, cnt), end="") i = cnt from_cache, query_result = query_fn(batch, **fn_kwargs) yield query_result if verbose: cache_str = " {0}".format(self._from_cache_notification) if from_cache else "" print("done.{0}".format(cache_str)) if self.delay: time.sleep(self.delay) @property def _from_cache_notification(self): ''' Notification to alert user that a cached result is being returned.''' return "[ from cache ]"
[docs] def metadata(self, verbose=True, **kwargs): '''Return a dictionary of metadata. Example: >>> metadata = mg.metadata ''' _url = self.url+'/metadata' from_cache, ret = self._get(_url, params=kwargs, verbose=verbose) if verbose and from_cache: print(self._from_cache_notification) return ret
[docs] def set_caching(self, cache_db='mygene_cache', verbose=True, **kwargs): ''' Installs a local cache for all requests. **cache_db** is the path to the local sqlite cache database.''' if caching_avail: requests_cache.install_cache(cache_name=cache_db, allowable_methods=('GET', 'POST'), **kwargs) self._cached = True if verbose: print('[ Future queries will be cached in "{0}" ]'.format(os.path.abspath(cache_db + '.sqlite'))) else: print("Error: The requests_cache python module is required to use request caching.") print("See -") return
[docs] def stop_caching(self): ''' Stop caching.''' if self._cached and caching_avail: requests_cache.uninstall_cache() self._cached = False return
[docs] def clear_cache(self): ''' Clear the globally installed cache. ''' try: requests_cache.clear() except: pass
[docs] def get_fields(self, search_term=None, verbose=True): '''Return all available fields can be return from services. This is a wrapper for :param search_term: an optional string to search (case insensitive) for matching field names. If not provided, all available fields will be returned. Example: >>> mv.get_fields() >>> mv.get_fields("uniprot") >>> mv.get_fields("refseq") >>> mv.get_fields("kegg") .. Hint:: This is useful to find out the field names you need to pass to **fields** parameter of other methods. ''' _url = self.url + '/metadata/fields' if search_term: params = {'search': search_term} else: params = {} from_cache, ret = self._get(_url, params=params, verbose=verbose) for (k, v) in ret.items(): # Get rid of the notes column information if "notes" in v: del v['notes'] if verbose and from_cache: print(self._from_cache_notification) return ret
[docs] def getgene(self, geneid, fields='symbol,name,taxid,entrezgene', **kwargs): '''Return the gene object for the give geneid. This is a wrapper for GET query of "/gene/<geneid>" service. :param geneid: entrez/ensembl gene id, entrez gene id can be either a string or integer :param fields: fields to return, a list or a comma-separated string. If **fields="all"**, all available fields are returned :param species: optionally, you can pass comma-separated species names or taxonomy ids :param email: optionally, pass your email to help us to track usage :param filter: alias for **fields** parameter :return: a gene object as a dictionary, or None if geneid is not valid. :ref: for available fields, extra *kwargs* and more. Example: >>> mg.getgene(1017, email='') >>> mg.getgene('1017', fields='symbol,name,entrezgene,refseq') >>> mg.getgene('1017', fields='symbol,name,entrezgene,refseq.rna') >>> mg.getgene('1017', fields=['symbol', 'name', 'pathway.kegg']) >>> mg.getgene('ENSG00000123374', fields='all') .. Hint:: The supported field names passed to **fields** parameter can be found from any full gene object (when **fields="all"**). Note that field name supports dot notation for nested data structure as well, e.g. you can pass "refseq.rna" or "pathway.kegg". ''' verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True) if fields: kwargs['fields'] = self._format_list(fields) if 'filter' in kwargs: kwargs['fields'] = self._format_list(kwargs['filter']) _url = self.url + '/gene/' + str(geneid) from_cache, ret = self._get(_url, kwargs, none_on_404=True, verbose=verbose) if verbose and from_cache: print(self._from_cache_notification) return ret
def _getgenes_inner(self, geneids, verbose=True, **kwargs): _kwargs = {'ids': self._format_list(geneids)} _kwargs.update(kwargs) _url = self.url + '/gene' return self._post(_url, _kwargs, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def getgenes(self, geneids, fields='symbol,name,taxid,entrezgene', **kwargs): '''Return the list of gene objects for the given list of geneids. This is a wrapper for POST query of "/gene" service. :param geneids: a list/tuple/iterable or comma-separated entrez/ensembl gene ids :param fields: fields to return, a list or a comma-separated string. If **fields="all"**, all available fields are returned :param species: optionally, you can pass comma-separated species names or taxonomy ids :param email: optionally, pass your email to help us to track usage :param filter: alias for fields :param as_dataframe: if True, return object as DataFrame (requires Pandas). :param df_index: if True (default), index returned DataFrame by 'query', otherwise, index by number. Only applicable if as_dataframe=True. :return: a list of gene objects or a pandas DataFrame object (when **as_dataframe** is True) :ref: for available fields, extra *kwargs* and more. Example: >>> mg.getgenes([1017, '1018','ENSG00000148795'], email='') >>> mg.getgenes([1017, '1018','ENSG00000148795'], fields="entrezgene,uniprot") >>> mg.getgenes([1017, '1018','ENSG00000148795'], fields="all") >>> mg.getgenes([1017, '1018','ENSG00000148795'], as_dataframe=True) .. Hint:: A large list of more than 1000 input ids will be sent to the backend web service in batches (1000 at a time), and then the results will be concatenated together. So, from the user-end, it's exactly the same as passing a shorter list. You don't need to worry about saturating our backend servers. ''' if isinstance(geneids, str_types): geneids = geneids.split(',') if (not (isinstance(geneids, (list, tuple, Iterable)))): raise ValueError('input "geneids" must be a list, tuple or iterable.') if fields: kwargs['fields'] = self._format_list(fields) if 'filter' in kwargs: kwargs['fields'] = self._format_list(kwargs['filter']) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True) as_dataframe = kwargs.pop('as_dataframe', False) if as_dataframe: df_index = kwargs.pop('df_index', True) return_raw = kwargs.get('return_raw', False) if return_raw: as_dataframe = False query_fn = lambda geneids: self._getgenes_inner(geneids, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) out = [] for hits in self._repeated_query(query_fn, geneids, verbose=verbose): if return_raw: out.append(hits) # hits is the raw response text else: out.extend(hits) if return_raw and len(out) == 1: out = out[0] if as_dataframe: out = self._as_dataframe(out, df_index) return out
[docs] def query(self, q, **kwargs): '''Return the query result. This is a wrapper for GET query of "/query?q=<query>" service. :param q: a query string, detailed query syntax `here <>`_ :param fields: fields to return, a list or a comma-separated string. If **fields="all"**, all available fields are returned :param species: optionally, you can pass comma-separated species names or taxonomy ids. Default: human,mouse,rat. :param size: the maximum number of results to return (with a cap of 1000 at the moment). Default: 10. :param skip: the number of results to skip. Default: 0. :param sort: Prefix with "-" for descending order, otherwise in ascending order. Default: sort by matching scores in decending order. :param entrezonly: if True, return only matching entrez genes, otherwise, including matching Ensemble-only genes (those have no matching entrez genes). :param email: optionally, pass your email to help us to track usage :param as_dataframe: if True, return object as DataFrame (requires Pandas). :param df_index: if True (default), index returned DataFrame by 'query', otherwise, index by number. Only applicable if as_dataframe=True. :param fetch_all: if True, return a generator to all query results (unsorted). This can provide a very fast return of all hits from a large query. Server requests are done in blocks of 1000 and yielded individually. Each 1000 block of results must be yielded within 1 minute, otherwise the request will expire on the server side. :return: a dictionary with returned gene hits or a pandas DataFrame object (when **as_dataframe** is True) :ref: for available fields, extra *kwargs* and more. Example: >>> mg.query('cdk2') >>> mg.query('reporter:1000_at') >>> mg.query('symbol:cdk2', species='human') >>> mg.query('symbol:cdk*', species=10090, size=5, as_dataframe=True) >>> mg.query('q=chrX:151073054-151383976', species=9606) ''' verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True) as_dataframe = kwargs.pop('as_dataframe', False) kwargs.update({'q': q}) fetch_all = kwargs.get('fetch_all') if fetch_all in [True, 1]: return self._fetch_all(verbose=verbose, **kwargs) _url = self.url + '/query' from_cache, out = self._get(_url, kwargs, verbose=verbose) if verbose and from_cache: print(self._from_cache_notification) if as_dataframe: out = self._as_dataframe(out, False) return out
def _fetch_all(self, verbose=True, **kwargs): ''' Function that returns a generator to results. Assumes that 'q' is in kwargs.''' # get the total number of hits and start the scroll_id _url = self.url + '/query' # function to get the next batch of results, automatically disables cache if we are caching def _batch(): if caching_avail and self._cached: self._cached = False with requests_cache.disabled(): from_cache, ret = self._get(_url, params=kwargs, verbose=verbose) self._cached = True else: from_cache, ret = self._get(_url, params=kwargs, verbose=verbose) return ret batch = _batch() if verbose: print("Fetching {0} genes(s) . . .".format(batch['total'])) for key in ['q', 'fetch_all']: kwargs.pop(key) while not batch.get('error', '').startswith('No results to return.'): if 'error' in batch: print(batch['error']) break if '_warning' in batch and verbose: print(batch['_warning']) for hit in batch['hits']: yield hit kwargs.update({'scroll_id': batch['_scroll_id']}) batch = _batch() def _querymany_inner(self, qterms, verbose=True, **kwargs): _kwargs = {'q': self._format_list(qterms)} _kwargs.update(kwargs) _url = self.url + '/query' return self._post(_url, params=_kwargs, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def querymany(self, qterms, scopes=None, **kwargs): '''Return the batch query result. This is a wrapper for POST query of "/query" service. :param qterms: a list/tuple/iterable of query terms, or a string of comma-separated query terms. :param scopes: type of types of identifiers, either a list or a comma-separated fields to specify type of input qterms, e.g. "entrezgene", "entrezgene,symbol", ["ensemblgene", "symbol"]. Refer to `official docs <>`_ for full list of fields. :param fields: fields to return, a list or a comma-separated string. If **fields="all"**, all available fields are returned :param species: optionally, you can pass comma-separated species names or taxonomy ids. Default: human,mouse,rat. :param entrezonly: if True, return only matching entrez genes, otherwise, including matching Ensemble-only genes (those have no matching entrez genes). :param returnall: if True, return a dict of all related data, including dup. and missing qterms :param verbose: if True (default), print out infomation about dup and missing qterms :param email: optionally, pass your email to help us to track usage :param as_dataframe: if True, return object as DataFrame (requires Pandas). :param df_index: if True (default), index returned DataFrame by 'query', otherwise, index by number. Only applicable if as_dataframe=True. :return: a list of gene objects or a pandas DataFrame object (when **as_dataframe** is True) :ref: for available fields, extra *kwargs* and more. Example: >>> mg.querymany(['DDX26B', 'CCDC83'], scopes='symbol', species=9606) >>> mg.querymany(['1255_g_at', '1294_at', '1316_at', '1320_at'], scopes='reporter') >>> mg.querymany(['NM_003466', 'CDK2', 695, '1320_at', 'Q08345'], ... scopes='refseq,symbol,entrezgene,reporter,uniprot', species='human') >>> mg.querymany(['1255_g_at', '1294_at', '1316_at', '1320_at'], scopes='reporter', ... fields='ensembl.gene,symbol', as_dataframe=True) .. Hint:: :py:meth:`querymany` is perfect for doing id mappings. .. Hint:: Just like :py:meth:`getgenes`, passing a large list of ids (>1000) to :py:meth:`querymany` is perfectly fine. ''' if isinstance(qterms, str_types): qterms = qterms.split(',') if (not (isinstance(qterms, (list, tuple, Iterable)))): raise ValueError('input "qterms" must be a list, tuple or iterable.') if scopes: kwargs['scopes'] = self._format_list(scopes) if 'scope' in kwargs: # allow scope for back-compatibility kwargs['scopes'] = self._format_list(kwargs['scope']) if 'fields' in kwargs: kwargs['fields'] = self._format_list(kwargs['fields']) if 'species' in kwargs: kwargs['species'] = self._format_list(kwargs['species']) returnall = kwargs.pop('returnall', False) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True) as_dataframe = kwargs.pop('as_dataframe', False) if as_dataframe: df_index = kwargs.pop('df_index', True) return_raw = kwargs.get('return_raw', False) if return_raw: as_dataframe = False out = [] li_missing = [] li_dup = [] li_query = [] query_fn = lambda qterms: self._querymany_inner(qterms, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) for hits in self._repeated_query(query_fn, qterms, verbose=verbose): if return_raw: out.append(hits) # hits is the raw response text else: out.extend(hits) for hit in hits: if hit.get('notfound', False): li_missing.append(hit['query']) else: li_query.append(hit['query']) if verbose: print("Finished.") if return_raw: if len(out) == 1: out = out[0] return out if as_dataframe: out = self._as_dataframe(out, df_index) # check dup hits if li_query: li_dup = [(query, cnt) for query, cnt in list_itemcnt(li_query) if cnt > 1] del li_query if verbose: if li_dup: print("{0} input query terms found dup hits:".format(len(li_dup))) print("\t"+str(li_dup)[:100]) if li_missing: print("{0} input query terms found no hit:".format(len(li_missing))) print("\t"+str(li_missing)[:100]) if returnall: return {'out': out, 'dup': li_dup, 'missing': li_missing} else: if verbose and (li_dup or li_missing): print('Pass "returnall=True" to return complete lists of duplicate or missing query terms.') return out
[docs] def findgenes(self, id_li, **kwargs): '''.. deprecated:: 2.0.0 Use :py:meth:`querymany` instead. It's kept here as an alias of :py:meth:`querymany` method. ''' import warnings warnings.warn('Deprecated! Currently an alias of "querymany" method. Use "querymany" method directly.', DeprecationWarning) return self.querymany(id_li, **kwargs)